LuftBlick (founded in 2012) is an internationally operating science and engineering company located at Kreith, near Innsbruck, Austria.
Our core business is atmospheric remote sensing in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared, with data management and instrument hosting. Our expertise includes design of ground-based and satellite-instrumentation, development of instrument control software, laboratory and field calibration, retrieval algorithms for atmospheric trace gases (e.g. O3, NO2), instrument network hosting, operational network data and image processing, satellite validation support, data search and collocation, data harmonization, quality control, analysis and conversion.
LuftBlick’s key personnel has many years of experience in atmospheric research and has been serving as consultants or collaborators for institutions like ESA, NASA, the Skin Cancer Foundation, or Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center.
Role in ACTRIS:
- Common operator of a central facility unit
- Trace gas remote sensing (CREGARS), unit: UVVIS-AT
- Meteorology parameter
- Reactive trace gases (NO2, O3, HCHO)
Dr. Alexander Cede