ACTRIS (Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) is a pan-European initiative consolidating actions amongst European partners producing high-quality observations of aerosols, clouds and trace gases. Different atmospheric processes are increasingly in the focus of many societal and environmental challenges, such as air quality, health, sustainability and climate change. ACTRIS aims to contribute in the resolving of such challenges by providing a platform for researchers to combine their efforts more effectively, and by providing observational data of aerosols, clouds and trace gases openly to anyone who might want to use them.

The ACTRIS Science Community unites partners from 22 countries across Europe and involves more than 100 research institutes and organisations.

Objectives of ACTRIS

Detecting changes and trends in atmospheric composition and understanding their impact on the stratosphere and upper troposphere is necessary for establishing the scientific links and feedbacks between climate change and atmospheric composition. 

  • The primary objective of ACTRIS is to provide the 4D-variability of clouds and of the physical, optical and chemical properties of short-lived atmospheric species, from the surface throughout the troposphere to the stratosphere, with the required level of precision, coherence and integration.
  • The second objective is to provide effective access to this information and the means to more efficiently use the complex and multi-scale ACTRIS parameters serving a vast community of users working on models, satellite retrievals, and analysis and forecast systems.
  • The third objective is to raise the level of technology used in the RI and the quality of services offered to the community of users, involving partners from the private sector.
  • Finally, the fourth objective of ACTRIS is to promote training of operators and users and enhance the linkage between research, education and innovation in the field of atmospheric science.

More information about ACTRIS Europe:

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Pandora – measuring reactive trace gases (e.g.: NO2 and O3)

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PFR – Sun Photometer measuring aerosol optical depth (AOD)

LuftBlick Earth Observation Technologies


LuftBlick (founded in 2012) is an internationally operating science and engineering company located at Kreith, near Innsbruck, Austria.

Our core business is atmospheric remote sensing in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared, with data management and instrument hosting. Our expertise includes design of ground-based and satellite-instrumentation, development of instrument control software, laboratory and field calibration, retrieval algorithms for atmospheric trace gases (e.g. O3, NO2), instrument network hosting, operational network data and image processing, satellite validation support, data search and collocation, data harmonization, quality control, analysis and conversion.

LuftBlick’s key personnel has many years of experience in atmospheric research and has been serving as consultants or collaborators for institutions like ESA, NASA, the Skin Cancer Foundation, or Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center.

Role in ACTRIS:

  • Common operator of a central facility unit
  • Trace gas remote sensing (CREGARS), unit: UVVIS-AT


  • Meteorology parameter
  • Reactive trace gases (NO2, O3, HCHO, SO2)


Dr. Alexander Cede 

Lab calibration of a Pandora

Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)


TU Wien has concentrated its research in five research focal areas (and one additional field) – one of them being Energy and Environment, where emphasis is set on interdisciplinary research and cross-linking of activities of research groups. Generally, research activities linked to ACTRIS contribute to the research field ‘Environmental Monitoring and Climate Adaption’.

ACTRIS connects projects carried out within the research units or groups Environmental Analytics, Physical Chemistry of the Atmosphere Water Quality Management, Geophysics, This can be visualized via recent activities at the Sonnblick Observatory. Research at this high mountain site allows the characterization of background conditions above Europe, to identify long range transport of natural or anthropogenic pollution events and to investigate basic and applied research questions related to atmospheric processes and deposition. 

Present research projects comprise aerosol characterization, ice nucleation, wet deposition and permafrost monitoring. 

Role in ACTRIS:

  • Coordinator within ACTRIS Austria
  • Contributions to aerosol and cloud measurements at Sonnblick


    • Aerosol parameter
    • Cloud and precipitation measurements


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Anne Kasper-Giebl
Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics